Saturday, 11 March 2017

Publishing and Subscribing data using Events in SOA

Create a SOA Project

Modify schema as below

Create new event definition

Browse for the schema created

Browse for the existing variable

or Click on '+' and create a new variable as below

Create a new composite which subscribes this published data

Deploy both the composites and test


Thank You!!!!

Happy Learning!!!!

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Converting (Asynchronous to Synchronous BPEL) or (Synchronous to Asynchronous BPEL)

Creating Asynchronous BPEL

Changes to be made to convert Async process to Sync process

Changes in .WSDL

Changes in .bpel

Changes in composite.xml


Now converted to Sync bpel

Deploy and Test:

Synchronous to Asynchronous Conversion is possible by following above steps from bottom up approach.

Thank You!!!!

Happy Learning!!!!