Saturday, 8 July 2017

BAM Sensors (Composite) - Part 2

Composite Sensor Action - JMS Queue / JMS Topic

Create a composite BAMSensorQueue. Follow the steps as Composite BAM Sensors - Part1 

Instead of selecting EM Check box select the drop down either JMS Queue / JMS Topic. Here we are selecting JMS Queue.

Before that we will create Connection Factory (CF) , JMS Queue and Create Outbound connection pool and update JMS adapter with CF.

Connection Factory (CF):


Creating Outbound connection pool and Updating JMS adapter with CF:

Selecting JMS Queue for BAM Sensor and providing CF and Queue details.

Deploy the composite and Test.

Thank You!!!!

Happy Learning!!!!

BAM Sensors (Composite) - Part 1

Composite Sensor Action - EM (Enterprise Manager)

Create a composite BAMSensorEM.

Create One Way BPEL (BAMSensorEMService).

We can configure sensors both at services and references side. Here right click on the service in Exposed Services and click on Configure Sensors..

Click on plus button to add a composite sensor.

Give name as BAMSensorEM, select the operation, tick the check box Enterprise Manager and browse for the expression or variables or properties.

Browse the expression up to root element i.e  $in.payload.

Click Apply and OK.

Now we are able to see the sensor added as we got below highlighted symbol on service.

Testing BAM Composite Sensor:

Give the input as TestBAMSensorEM.

Click on Launch Flow Trace in that go to Composite Sensor Values tab.

Here we can find the payload we have selected i.e, sensor value with sensor name.

Thank You!!!!

Happy Learning!!!!