Monday, 22 February 2016

Developing a Composite with a Simple Spring Component


This sample contains instructions on creating and testing a simple “HelloWorld Composite with a Spring Component.


1) Launch Oracle JDeveloper 11g and create a new SOA Application with a name of your choice.

2) Create a new SOA Project within the Application with the name given below and click Next.

3) Choose  “Composite with Spring Context” and click Finish.

4)  Once you click “Finish”, the New Spring Context Dialog launches. Provide the name given below for the Spring Context and click OK.

5) You can now see the newly created Spring Service component within your composite.

6) Next, create a new Java Interface for your Spring Bean. Click on File > New > General, and     Choose Java Interface.

7) Name the interface HelloWorldInterface within the following package.

8) If you are asked to specify the Source Folder, choose the “src” folder as shown below.

9) Add one simple method within the interface named greetUser as shown below.

10) Next, create a new Java Class that implements the above interface within the same package and   name it HelloWorld, as shown below.

11) Implement the method within the class to return a greeting message as indicated below.

12) Next, open up the Spring Context file and define the Bean and the SCA service within. The target attribute of the service refers to the id of the bean. The class attribute of the bean refers to the fully qualified name of the implementation class. The type attribute of the service refers to the interface that the spring bean implements.

13) Open up the Composite in the graphical mode and then drag and drop the Spring component onto the Services swim lane. Choose to create a Web Services binding for the component.

14) This completes the development of the composite.

15) Next, deploy the Composite.

16) Navigate to the EM Test Page for the Service and enter an input value for the service. Click “Test Web Service”.

17) The Service will respond with the String “Hello” followed by the input you specified.

18) The flow trace will indicate that the invocation was successful.

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Integrating SOAP-UI with LOAD-UI and performing LOAD Test

Create New LoadUI Project 

Drag drop Random from Generators and Soap-UI Runner

In SoapUI Runner Browse for SoapUI.exe by clicking Open in SoapUI

Connect both Random and SoapUI Runner.

Go to Project in SoapUI Runner and browse for SoapUI project and it selects 

automatically created Test Suites and Test Cases.

Click on Run Once

It results either Completed or Failed or Discarded.


1) File --> New soapUI Project

2) Right click on Load Tests --> New LoadTest

Here Total Records Inserted = Limit * Threads as we are running as Runs per Thread

Example: Total Records Inserted  = 10 * 1 = 10

Friday, 19 February 2016

Exposing E-Business Suite services using the Integrated SOA Gateway(ISG)

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 introduced a new “Integrated SOA Gateway” that makes it very easy to expose functionality from E-Business Suite as web services.  This allows much easier integration to and from E-Business Suite.
In this post, we look at how to expose a piece of functionality in E-Business Suite as a service.  Here we are using Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1.2, a “Vision” system.

First we log on to E-Business Suite as the SYSADMIN user.
Next we navigate to the Integrated SOA Gateway responsibility and into theIntegration Repository, as shown in the image below.

For this example, we will use the Price Request.  This is found under Order Management Suite then Advanced Pricing and Price List as you can see highlighted on the left hand side of the image below.  Then select Price Request from the list of integration points.  You will see a screen like the one below, that provides details of this integration point.  You can see that in this case, it is a PL/SQL API.  On the top right of this screen, there is a new button called Generate WSDL that we can use to easily expose this PL/SQL API (or any other integration point) as a web service.  Click on that now.

After two or three seconds you should get a confirmation message, like the one below, to let you know this was completed successfully.  Next we need to enable this new service.  This is done by clicking on the Deploy button which is highlighted in the image below.

Again, after a few seconds, your screen should update to look like the one below.  You can now see a link to the service description (WSDL) that can be used to call this service from other applications, systems, etc.
You can click on that View WSDL link to see the WSDL code.  Below is the first part of the WSDL for the above example.
Note: Make sure you open the WSDL in a new window or tab, we are not finished with this page yet!  You can do this by right clicking on the link and selecting Open in new tab or similar from the popup menu (this varies from browser to browser).

The final step is to grant access to the service, so that we will be able to invoke it.  To do this, we expand the list of operations in the last part of the interface page in Integration Repository , then check the box next to the interface we want to grant access to, and click on the Grant Access button.

Now enter the username for the user you want to grant access to, or use the search button to find the user.  In this example, it will be sufficient to grant access to ASADMIN.

Then save your changes.  Your screen should now look like below
Now you are ready to integrate with the exposed service.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Getting ready to start integration using SOA/OSB

To work with SOA/OSB make sure the following installations are done.

Now we are ready to start our integration using SOA/OSB. 

Configure Plumbr (Java Performance Monitoring) in Tomcat and Weblogic


  Set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -javaagent:D:\plumbr\plumbr.jar
  Should not be like below (Make sure double quotes should not be there)
  Set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -javaagent:”D:\plumbr\plumbr.jar”           
  Login into and check the JVM status.

  If we want GC pauses to come into active state and to resolve Memory Leak issue while 
  running the tomcat add the below highlighted statements to .bat file.



  Set JAVA_OPTIONS=%JAVA_OPTIONS% -  javaagent:C:\Users\10419\Desktop
   Should not be like below (Make sure double quotes should not be there)
  Set JAVA_OPTIONS=%JAVA_OPTIONS% -  javaagent:"C:\Users\10419\Desktop
  Login into and check the JVM status.